Regarding our

Terms Of Use

In order to ensure the proper use of the site and maintain the quality of our services, we have set the following terms of use:
  • Data Protection
    You are solely responsible for protecting your password and other account information.
  • Users publications
    All publications posted by users must not be against the law, or that violate the morals, or negatively affect society and individuals in any way, such as alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, usurious loans, gambling, arms trade, and all illegal products.
  • Infringing Publications
    We have the right to amend or delete users publications that are not subject to the terms of use.
  • Infringing Accounts
    We can block the accounts of users who violate the terms of use temporarily or permanently.
  • Information Authenticity
    The owner of the publication is solely responsible for the correctness of the information in the publication. Our site does not bear any responsibility in the event of incorrect, misleading or unreliable information.
  • Commercial Operations
    Our site is not responsible for the commercial operations that take place between users.
  • Money Transfers Between Users
    Please verify before sending any money to any user of the website, as our website bears no responsibility in the event of a fraud.
  • Question?
    Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.