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كتب ومجلات
01 فبراير 2025
Historical fiction. He fought in a war for the French King. He pledged his life to protect the Pope when Rome was sacked. He fell in love with a woman the emperor was obsessed with. Now, the young Swiss Guard will risk his life to rescue the only woman he ever loved, even if it means fighting the emperor directly.
It is available in paperback and e-book formats depending upon country. E-BOOK FORMAT IS AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE.
For more information about this novel please click on or copy paste the link provided. http://www.joelgoulet.net
Or visit Amazon and type Joel Goulet into their search box.
هام: يرجى التثبت قبل إرسال أي أموال إلى أحد المستخدمين، فموقعنا غير مسؤول في حالة وقوع إحتيال.