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فيتامينات ومكملات
01 نوفمبر 2024
30 ZWG
It contains guarana and alfalfa that is rich in chlorophyll. Since the chemical structure of chlorophyll and red blood cells are very similar, long term consumption will improve production of blood.
Its rich natural pigment is the best antioxidant for the human body. It is effective for purifying toxins and controlling the growth of bacteria in the human body.
Mix 1tablespoon (15ml) into a glass of water, consume 2 times daily
For more information contact our Sales Points: +263777987595
هام: يرجى التثبت قبل إرسال أي أموال إلى أحد المستخدمين، فموقعنا غير مسؤول في حالة وقوع إحتيال.